Selena Gomez, the famous singer and actress, has recently addressed the burning question that many fans have been curious about: is she still in love with her ex-boyfriend, Justin Bieber? After years of speculation and rumors surrounding their tumultuous relationship, Selena has finally provided some clarity on the matter.

In a recent interview, Selena Gomez opened up about her feelings towards Justin Bieber. Although she admitted that their past relationship was filled with love and passion, she revealed that she has moved on from him and is no longer in love with the pop star.

Selena acknowledged that their history together was intense and had a profound impact on her life. She admitted that their break-up was a challenging period for her, but it ultimately allowed her to grow and find herself as an individual.

Despite the emotional rollercoaster they experienced, Selena expressed gratitude for the relationship they had. She acknowledged the positive aspects and lessons she learned from their time together, stating that it helped her become the person she is today.

Selena emphasized the importance of self-love and prioritizing her own well-being. She revealed that she took time for herself after the breakup, focusing on her mental health and personal growth. Through this process, she was able to let go of her feelings for Justin and move forward in her life.

The singer also discussed her current relationship status. Selena stated that she is content being single and is not actively seeking a romantic partner at the moment. She revealed that she is enjoying her independence and is focused on her career and personal development.

Selena’s comments provide closure for fans who have been invested in their relationship for years. Her disclosure that she is no longer in love with Justin Bieber may provide solace to those who have been hoping for a reconciliation, as it indicates that she has moved on and is focused on her own happiness.


In conclusion, Selena Gomez has finally shed light on her feelings towards Justin Bieber, confirming that she is no longer in love with him. She has embraced her single status and is prioritizing her own well-being and personal growth. This revelation brings a sense of closure to their past relationship and allows fans to understand Selena’s perspective on the matter.