Vin Diesel has fired off at Dwayne Johnson. Here’s what he said.


vin diesel dwayne johnson
Dwayne Johnson and Vin Diesel do not get along. Much of their feud has happened in the public eye. The pair worked together starting on Fast Five. The movie saw Johnson join Diesel’s franchise as Luke Hobbs, a character who became popular enough to gain his own spinoff project. While Johnson has said that he’ll return for a Hobbs & Shaw sequel, which won’t include Vin Diesel, Johnson has laughed off the idea of returning to the main Fast & Furious franchise. In recent interviews, he plainly said that he will not be in Fast & Furious 10 or 11, the concluding movies for the series. Now, Vin Diesel has issued a public plea asking The Rock to change his mind.

See Vin Diesel’s Instagram post below. The photo shows the pair in a fuzzy screenshot from the movie. The caption is where the actor opens up and sends his message to Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.

So far, The Rock hasn’t replied on his own Instagram account, but that isn’t unusual. The two have publicly gone back and forth via social media and interviews with journalists. Often, there are weeks or even months between replies, so it may be a while before the next installment of the Vin Diesel versus Dwayne Johnson saga. Fans of Fast & Furious’s Dominic Toretto have been commenting on the public post, most of them saying “family”. This is the common theme of the car racing series and something that Vin Diesel stresses a lot on his social media. Even in his writing to Dwayne Johnson, he calls The Rock his little brother and mentions that his children call him Uncle Dwayne.

Vin Diesel’s fans seem to feel that his public plea is genuine and like it gives them some hope that Luke Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson’s character) may appear in the Fast & Furious movies after all. But will Vin Diesel’s public post really be enough to win The Rock over? It would require the star to go back on his public promise that he wouldn’t return for another movie. From what Diesel had to say on Instagram, it sounds like this isn’t the first time he’s asked The Rock to return, but it’s unclear what the situation has been between the two behind closed doors.

Publicly, it’s been vicious. The situation heated up when Dwayne Johnson posted on social media ranting about Vin Diesel. He did delete that post, but not before the public became aware of their feud. The Rock has said that while he meant what he said, he is sorry for doing so publicly. The Rock has also claimed that the cast of Fast & Furious thanked him privately for calling Vin Diesel out. As far as the public can tell, the issue is just a clashing of personalities. It doesn’t seem that one particular event has set them off, though they have reportedly dissed each other’s skills as actors.

If Vin Diesel is going to win Dwayne Johnson over for Fast 10, he doesn’t have long to do so. Production is reportedly set to begin in January 2022. Vin Diesel’s social media post mentioned that no one else could play Hobbs. With the upcoming filming date on the way, it sounds like Luke Hobbs may already be in the script. If Dwayne Johnson says no, will they go ahead and replace him? Will they remove him from the script? Will the two find a way to mend fences so they can please fans with the return of Luke Hobbs for these final movies? Answers may unfold over the next several months. Vin Diesel has spoken. Fans will now be waiting for a Dwayne Johnson reply.